use cases

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Peddle Developed A Travel Management Web App For A Client - thexplorex

About thexplorex

The client had contacted Peddle technology to avail of our IT and software development expertise.

The Client's Requirements

Our customer had seen that the travel website lacked efficiency. This was costing them time and money since their focus was diverted to front and back end operations like booking reservations, payment processing, and so on. Given this deficiency, our experience was required to design and construct a cleverly built web software that is integrated and Cloud-based.


The project's specific difficulties were building a simpler and user-friendly design so that the app would see higher long-term user adoption. Other challenges included adapting the app design to different devices and their native screen resolutions, as well as creating an easy-to-navigate GUI, so the interface could stay fluidic with intuitive and engaging aspects.

Our Solution

The project was organized in phases at Peddle, and an NDA the allocated team NDA signed an. We created the following low-cost solution for the travel web app.

We built a feature in the app that allows guests to pay in the currency of their choice. Not only that, we linked the travel software dashboard with third-party booking sites to provide prospective visitors with real-time information on room availability. We safeguarded the entire payment process by incorporating a security layer to protect transaction data and the traveller’s personal details. In addition, we made it possible for users to use the travel agency’s software in order to remain up to speed on the latest upgrades and for other operational objectives.

The Results

The client was enthusiastic about the cloud-based travel management tool. We designed the program to give our users the greatest possible experience. The software has also helped the software owners since it has boosted management efficiency and travellers' happiness.

If you want to know more about our software development skills, get in touch with our experts!